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Venezuelan Tanker Activity

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Petro-Logistics is releasing weekly updates to its clients regarding Venezuelan tanker activity, with daily updates available via our API Data Feed. Each week, an overview of the status of exporting vessels - particularly those in distress - is included, while other topics range from import behaviour to clarifying misinformation from media outlets. This week’s client update (dated 9 April) has been partially shared via this blog post.

US Discharges of Cargoes Loaded Prior to Sanctions

After a string of ship-to-ship activity, two tankers carrying a combined 1,000 kbbls of Venezuelan crude - the Stena Supreme and the Navigator Spirit - are bound for discharge at the US port of Pascagoula. The Navigator Spirit is already moored at the Chevron Refinery terminal as of the time of writing.

This cargo was originally loaded onto the tanker Baker Spirit at Puerto Jose on 11 Jan. After loading, the Baker Spirit transferred her cargo to the Mare Picenum on 27 Jan, which then transferred the cargo onto the Stena Supreme on 20 Feb. The Stena Supreme transferred a partial cargo onto the Navigator Spirit, after which both tankers made their way toward Pascagoula.

The Sonangol Cazenga, loading 1,000 kbbls on 23 Jan from Puerto Jose, transferred part of her cargo onto the Ningbo Dawn in the Gulf of Mexico on 6 April. Both vessels are now anchored off the shore of Louisiana with an indicated destination of Pascagoula.

The tanker Cape Bastia, which loaded 148 kt of Hamaca crude oil at Puerto Jse on 29 Dec, transferred her cargo onto the tanker Tarbet Spirit, once on 14 Feb and again on 26 Feb. Both parcels were ultimately discharged by the Tarbet Spirit at Pascagoula on 18 Feb and 3 Apr, accordingly.

Venezuelan Loadings in 2019

In order to offer a visualization of Venezuelan loading behaviour during 2019, Petro‑Logistics has prepared the below graph showing all tanker loadings from the Venezuelan Mainland. The key periods lacking loading activity (6-11 March and 26 Mar-3 Apr) coincide with widespread power outages discussed during previous releases of this update. The only ports to resume loading activity during the outage from 26 Mar to 3 Apr were Bajo Grande and Puerto Miranda.